' clock

美 [klɑk]英 [klɒk]
  • n.时钟
  • v.达到(某时间或速度);测…的速度;注意到;认出
  • 网络钟表;时脉;时钟信号

复数:clocks 现在分词:clocking 过去式:clocked

' clock' clock

' clock

n. v.

1.[c]时钟;钟an instrument for measuring and showing time, in a room or on the wall of a building (not worn or carried like a watch)


against the clock

抢时间;争分夺秒if you do sthagainst the clock , you do it fast in order to finish before a particular time

around/round the clock

日夜不停;夜以继日all day and all night without stopping

put the clocks forward/back

(夏时制开始和结束时)把时钟拨快╱拨回(一般为一个小时)to change the time shown by clocks, usually by one hour, when the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summer

put/turn the clock back

倒退;复旧;怀旧to return to a situation that existed in the past; to remember a past age

run down/out the clock

消耗掉剩余的比赛时间(比赛接近结束时,球队不想进球而只设法控制住球,以阻止对方进球得分)if a sports team tries torun down/out the clock at the end of a game, it stops trying to score and just tries to keep hold of the ball to stop the other team from scoring

the clocks go forward/back

(夏时制)时钟被拨快╱拨回the time changes officially, for example at the beginning and end of summer


七年级英语单词表 ... is v. 是 clock n. 时钟 am v. 是 ...


首页-LOOMOO STORE-淘宝网 ... Bag 包包 Clock 钟表 Cooking things 厨房用品 ...


时脉Clock)是CPU最重要的规格,单位是MHz或GHz,意思是CPU 每秒跑几百万次(MHz)或十亿次(GHz)CPU内部是 …


    时钟信号 (Clock):时钟信号是提供给同步内存做讯号同步之用,同步记忆体的存取动作必需与时钟信号同步。        电子工程设计发 …


西格玛509码表简要设置说明_领航者骑行 ... 3、WHEEL SIZE( 自行车轮圈尺寸) 4、CLOCK时钟设定) 6、TOTAL TIME…


初一英语下册单词表(外研版) - 豆丁网 ... date n. 日期 * clock n. 时钟;计时器 tomorrow n. 明天 ...


SIGMA 906码表设置 - Quake的日志 - 网易博客 ... Wheel Size: 轮圈大小选择 CLOCK: 时间 TOTAL ODO: 总里程数 ...
